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Learning Objectives
A course's learning outcomes (CLO), also known as terminal learning objectives, are the overarching goals of the course. They provide the measurable experience, skills, and abilities the students can expect to achieve by the course's end.
Each module, in turn, has its own learning objectives, which break down the course-level goals to smaller, more manageable targets, usually on a weekly basis. Objectives should be measurable and specific as well as achievable within the module's timeframe. Collectively and/or cumulatively, they help students achieve the CLO.
To further clarify the difference between CLOs and module learning objectives, here are some examples.
Bloom's Taxonomy provides classification techniques to further guide learning outcomes.
Also this week, the Instructional Design Document (IDD) for the minicourse, Bento Journey, features the Learning Objectives and Subject Matter Expert (SME) of choice.
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Course Learning Outcomes
vs. Learning Objectives
The course learning objective is the bigger picture goal of your course; while the
module's learning objectives are smaller goals that enable you to complete the big picture

Course Learning Outcomes
Examples of Course Learning Objectives
"Learners will be able to create a complete branded collateral suite using Adobe Creative Suite"
This is a terminal objective since it's an overarching goal the the course will enable the students to achieve by its end and requires a breakdown of cumulative skillsets.
"Learners will be able to use basic Japanese expressions and phrases to get around, introduce oneself, and converse in daily travel scenarios.
This is a terminal objective since it's an overarching goal that includes many components which the student can aspire to by the course's end.

Module Learning Objectives
Module Learning Objective Examples
"Learners will be able to concept then craft a logo using basic shapes and text in Adobe Illustrator"
This is a module level objective since it's achievable within one module.
"Learners will be able to exchange greetings and introduce themselves to people they just met.
This module level objectives is measurable in that the students can demonstrate their abilities using basic expressions, pointing to the course outcome (to the left).

Bloom's Taxonomy

Photograph by Wiljosan, Pexels
Bloom's Taxonomy is a learning cognition hierarchy with six steps from foundational to most advanced. Developed by educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom and collaborators, it's a learning taxonomy that recognizes 3 domains of knowledge intake and expression: cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling) and psychomotor (kinesthetic). They feature educational objectives and corresponding learner response based on corresponding cognitive skills exhibited.
1. Remember
Information recall is the retention and recitation of factual knowledge. Knowledge can take the form of definitions, category lists, trends, methodology, theories, etc. Not yet at the level of understanding, it is still an essential building block for all learning and requires accuracy and thoroughness of intake.
Behavioral learning outcome: Recall information when prompted​
Learning Method: memorization via lecture, readings, podcast, or video
2. Understand
Comprehension requires the ability to grasp the meaning of the information taken in and making connections. ​
Behavioral learning outcome: Translating into another format, summarizing or paraphrasing using your own words, and predicting effects
Learning Method: Processing through discussion, graphic organizers, or demonstration
3. Apply
Application means using the information in a new context. In the real world (concrete situations), applied knowledge helps complete tasks and solve problems, which points to a "best solution" type scenario.​
Behavioral learning outcome: Applied knowledge includes rules, theories, and principles proven to work.
Learning Method: Problem solving such as case studies, math problems, scenarios; demonstrate methods, rules; practice in different contexts
4. Analyze
To analyze means to take things apart to understand its components and their interrelationships. At the cognitive level, analysis involves a deeper level of knowledge in creating associations, making comparisons, and judging the parts and how they make the whole.
Behavioral learning outcome: Judge, infer, decipher components parts and reconstruct to understand its organization.
Learning Method: Role playing, re-creating, and simplifying through discussion, labs, graphic organizers, and case studies.
5. Evaluate
Evaluation is passing judgement or defending opinions based on criteria.​
Behavioral learning outcome: Produce criteria based on desired end results, critiquing peer work
Learning Method: Evaluate research reports and case study procedures in small groups
6. Create
Design, invent, and generate something new based on prior knowledge
Behavioral learning outcome: Applied knowledge generates new work.
Learning Method: Construct, research, plan, and produce new developments, case studies, hypothesis, interviews
Works cited
“Bloom’s Taxonomy.” University of Central Florida, fctl.ucf.edu/teaching-resources/course-design/blooms-taxonomy/. Accessed 29 Nov. 2023.
edX. “Week 7: Learning Objectives, Bloom's Taxonomy & SMEs.” USMx LDT200x, taught by Andrew Pron. UMGC. 2023, https://learning.edx.org/course/course-v1:USMx+LDT200x+3T2023.
Gunner, Jennifer. “Well-Written Examples of Learning Objectives.” YourDictionary, YOURDICTIONARY, www.yourdictionary.com/articles/examples-learning-objectives. Accessed 28 Nov. 2023.
“Learning Outcomes: Types, Examples, Verbs: Outcomes vs Objectives.” Valamis, Valamis, 16 Nov. 2023, www.valamis.com/hub/learning-outcomes.
Persaud, Christine. “How to Implement Bloom’s Taxonomy in Your Course.” Top Hat, 15 Nov. 2023, tophat.com/blog/blooms-taxonomy/.
Phan, Cole. “7 Best Practices for Writing Course Objectives.” eLearning Industry, 12 May 2023, elearningindustry.com/best-practices-for-writing-course-objectives.
Shabatura, Jessica. “Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Write Effective Learning Outcomes.” Teaching Innovation and Pedagogical Support, 26 July 2022, tips.uark.edu/using-blooms-taxonomy/.