Digital Image
There are a plethora of digital image repositories and editing tools including AI image image generation. You will see in IDT100x and IDT200x, a gallery of images from my sources of choice Pexels and my own travel photographs. I choose to composite in Photoshop to create hybrid elements to illustrate different weekly concepts. Where possible,
I vectorize hand inking and handwriting in Illustrator.
Background photo by Karolina Grabowska, Kaiseki photo by Yoko Ichikawa at Matsuzayaka Honten, near Hakone + calligraphy
My Bento Journey
The Bento Journey course logo was inspired by Japanese signature stamps, called hanko. To add a personal touch and reflect the hand crafted nature of the bento, I hand rendered it in marker pen and image traced in Illustrator to vectorize it. The rectangular shape is meant to further mimic the shape of a bento box.

Washoku: 5 Principles
I wasn't satisfied with last week's cover image on IDT300x's menu page, which I hope to double for Module 1's course image:
This cover image for Module 1 is labels a kaiseki meal with the kanji for number five and washoku. The stepped lettering is the kanji five. Its form fills two thirds of the page connecting the character for "wa" with "shoku." I imagined what my coffee table book cover would look like based on the five principles concept, a foundational idea behind washoku upon which I'm building the course. This image will be the cover image of Module 1 about the five principles. The learning objective it aligns with would be:
Course learning outcome:
Create and practice consumption rituals of breakfast and daily bento following 5 key principles of washoku (traditional Japanese cuisine).
Within the first module, it further aligns with the following two weekly learning outcomes:
Explain Japanese nutritional philosophy and how its applied to food consumption, choice of ingredients, food preparation and consumption rituals.
Evaluate 5 principles of washoku for their own daily culinary and dining practices.
Promotional flyer for My Bento Journey: print and screen
My third entry this week is a gatefold flyer that I imagine distributing in a printed format to potential candidates. It's connected to the course introduction, providing background information about washoku and what makes it unique and a great system to create nutritionally balanced meals.
I wanted to create an element of surprise to the flyer so imagined folding a letter-sized paper into quarter flaps that meet in the middle. I placed the logo where the flaps meet as an introduction, inviting the recipient to discover the course by opening the flaps. The PDF's second page shows what the page looks like opened up. I employed a Pexel image by Karolina Grabowska, cropping the leaf texture to fit my page. I also used images of a couple of kaiseki meals I ate at Matsuzakaya Honten, a historical bath house inn I stayed in Hakone, Japan. I silhouetted the meal's presentation and employed the washoku kanji as a decorative element. The call to action would be a link or URL to the course.

Module Image
This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Alt-text used
Logo: my bento journey logo
Cover image Module 1: kaiseki meal labeled 5 principles
Flyer: employs .docx with images described as follows: "Washoku in kanji, background texture of leaf zoom in, images of two different kaiseki meals with caption: above and below: kaiseki dining at Matsuzakaya Hontent, a historical ryokan (traditional inn) at Hakone."
Digital Media Resources Form

“A Guide to Washoku (Traditional Japanese Food).” Let’s Experience Japan, gurunavi.com/en/japanfoodie/2017/05/a-guide-to-washoku.html?__ngt__=TT14fd37811005ac1e4ae518RkXx2xsvz5NqrT8tnVDrsk. Accessed 28 Jan. 2024.
“The History of Bento: Kids Web Japan.” Web Japan, web-japan.org/kidsweb/virtual/bento/bento02.html. Accessed 28 Jan. 2024.