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Photo by Todd Trapani+ Scott Webb


Dick and Carey
Learning Model

The Dick and Carey model incorporates the five phases of ADDIE but applies a more learner-centered approach with ten steps. Like Cognitivism and Constructivism, the model is considers learner behavior as well as content and context as integral to its instructional strategy. 


Dick and Carey further streamlines content into smaller components or chunks to optimize learning. With more focus on design, the model also allows for iterative development and recurring revisions of instructional material. Ten steps...


Explore the Strengths and Weaknesses of Dick & Carey model in Higher Education here.


Also this week, the Instructional Design Document (IDD)  for the minicourse, Bento Journey, features its Course Type and Course Modality.

Background photo by Scott Webb


10 Steps of Dick and Carey

Identify instructional goals

Consult a subject matter expert (SME) to conduct a learner needs assessment from which instructional goals can be created.


The goal statement includes learners, projected learner competencies, performance context, and available tools.


Write performance objectives

Generate measurable performance objectives aligned with course goals. Include three parts: 


1. Conditions describe the skill along with necessary tools and resources for achievement

2. Behavior describe the skills in terms of actions concepts, or content

3. Criteria describes baseline expectations in performance of skill

Develop & select instructional  materials

Instructional materials need to align with learning objectives. They include written content or activities facilitated by teacher such as workbooks, problem scenarios, textbooks, or computer activities.

Conduct summative evaluation

Assess effectiveness of course by receiving user feedback after instruction. Objectives should have been met and match learner feedback

Conduct instructional analysis

Determine the skills and knowledge to develop based on learner characteristics including prior knowledge and instructional situation. 


Identify learning domains of target outcome. Bloom's domains include: psychomotor, affective (attitude), cognitive, knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis.

Develop assessment instruments

Determine methods of assessment according to performance objectives. Behavioral objectives can determine types of assessments used. Assessments measure degree of achieving progress and reaching objectives

Design and conduct formative evaluation

Collect information during learning process​ through question/answer, self-assessments, quizzes, interviews, discussion, or observation of learners. Results indicate effectiveness of instruction.

Identify entry behaviors

Define learners and learning context through target population. Consider target's prior skiils, knowledge on topic so far, attitudes toward different delivery methods, motivation, level of education, preferences, group dynamics

Develop instructional strategy

Consider learner motivation, goal, learning objectives, context, and delivery method in development. Learning strategies take the form of instructional formats such as: â€‹lectures, worksheets, lab work, independent reading, simulations, and more. 

Revise instruction

Incorporate results of formative evaluation in revising instructional materials and strategies. Consider feedback as well. 












Implications of the Dick and Carey Model
for Instructional (Learning) Design

The Dick and Carey Model takes a scientific approach to learning and thus seeks measurable outcomes. It breaks down instruction into smaller, reductive parts. Compared to ADDIE, Dick and Carey emphasizes the front-end of analysis, design and development and allows for an alternation of design and development stages which incorporates revisions. Also, they categorize different types of a learning that allows for prescriptive steps according to the nature of learning occurring. 


For Instructional design, this model considers the online learning context as a key ingredient and matches it outwardly to the types of learners and instruction/skills required. These elements are aligned toward the goal of learner acquisition of the instructional goals. The output of the previous stage is the input that the next stage can work with to evolve the course.


Online realities

However, when working online, the designer must be sure to tie course and performance objectives to real world applications, so that context includes realities beyond the virtual learning space. 


For instructional analysis, online assessments and surveys can provide instant feedback on where learner skills are prior to learning. Also, based on learning criteria, instructors, choose the eLearning assessment method appropriate for learners: interactive activities or multiple choice questions. Questionnaires can capture learner behaviors such as motivation behind enrollment.  And online formative and summative assessments show effectiveness of each online activity.


E-Learning activities can consider learning theories through the lens of learner needs and course subject. Further, branching scenarios based on response and multimedia solutions are two additional advantages to online learning as well as the ability to reach a wider audience. 


Learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of Dick & Carey in Higher Education.

Works cited

Chaparro, Rigo, et al. “Instructional Design Using the Dick and Carey Systems Approach.” Instructional Design Using the Dick and Carey Systems Approach, Accessed 2 Nov. 2023. 


edX. “Week 3: ADDIE Design Model.” USMx LDT200x, taught by Andrew Pron. UMGC. 2023,


Hayes, Clarissa, et al. “Obesity in the U.S.” Food Research & Action Center, 3 Oct. 2019,,7.7%20percent%20are%20severely%20obese.). 


Lewis, David, director. Overview of the Dick and Carey Model. YouTube, YouTube, 19 Aug. 2021, Accessed 2 Nov. 2023. 


Pappas, Christopher. “9 Steps to Apply the Dick and Carey Model in Elearning.” eLearning Industry, 4 Oct. 2023, 


Twowp. “The Dick and Carey Instructional Design Model.” The World of Work Project, 2 Aug. 2021, 



Works cited
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