The Bento minicourse seeks to address the knowledge gap in cooking nutritious gourmet-inspired homemade breakfast and lunch in the Japanese tradition of washoku. This course proposes a solution with lessons on contemporary bento with ingredients that are accessible and practices that are easy to follow. Inspired by breakfast and lunch options available from convenience food vendors throughout Japan, from combini (convenience stores) to depaato (gourmet foodcourts found at the basement of department stores), its recipes and practices seek to introduce variety and creativity in your daily meals. The minicourse will teach contemporary Japanese homemade cuisine and concepts around nutrition, cooking, and eating healthy foods while introducing foundational vocabulary.
Knowledge Gap
With a low rate of obesity averaging 3.5% of the adult population (National Institutes of Health) compared to 39.6% in the U.S. amongst adults (Food Research & Action Center), the average Japanese dietary habit shows promise of weight management. Further, Japan is ahead by 6 years on the longevity front with the average mortality rate being 85 years, vs. 79 years for Americans: two industrialized nations with very different dietary practices (Macrotrends).
Born on the outskirts of Tokyo but raised in the U.S., I grew up with Japanese food served at home and developed an increasingly Western palette outside. Over the years, I've sought to manage my weight and mental health issues through diet and exercise, taking a more holistic health approach to mental and physical health. (Further reading below)
This past summer we visited Tokyo after 5 years away. We had been going every 2-3 years, when I had our kids attend public school there for a month in the summer. Living there, I have always noticed how health related shows never shied away from talking about digestive health, what goes on below the waistline after you eat. It must have been on government-sponsored NHK, where there was a whole episode on okra, how it's grown and harvested in Africa, dishes you can make, and its nutritional value. On the show, a doctor explained how it's broken down in the digestive tract. You would never see a whole episode dedicated to a vegetable in the U.S.!
On the high end are kaiseki, upscale traditional cuisine brought in courses served at onsen, traditional inns. Derived from the Chinese word, biandang, bento means "convenience" and reflects a more portable kaiseki, whittled down to just the essentials: to 1:1:1 protein:starch:vegetable combination and echoes the nutritious variety offered by the feast. The contemporary bento includes more Western or yoshoku influences including the reinvented salad with traditional Japanese ingredients in the mix inspired by gourmet food courts.
Semi-fluent in Japanese, I had always wondered what my bilingual Japanese mom friends knew about nutrition that I didn't due to the language barrier. This course is my attempt to close my own knowledge gap through the help of an expert: my mom, a Japanese language teacher, and lifelong washoku practitioner. Andoh's 2005 tome, Washoku, Recipes from the Japanese Home Kitchen further anchors my research with which I hope to incorporate current nutritional trends in considering gut health and and its role in mental health. Now, armed with updated with cookbooks from my recent Tokyo trip, I seek to uncover and translate current nutritional trends and concerns of the Japanese consumer. (Back to top)
Learner Profile
My target audience are 18 and over, college or trade school students, or busy professionals on a budget new to Japanese cooking in search of simple, nutritious dishes. This could also be for parents who have to pack lunch for their kids.
This course is inclusive in its target, all genders, educational and ethnic backgrounds.
Background knowledge/Disposition/Skills
The audience is familiar with and/or willing to try making non-Western foods. They might have some experience following recipes in the cuisine, but the level is beginner with underlying techniques.
The audience is also interested in weight maintenance and proper nutrition for health. They are:
eager to find solutions to health concerns by considering a more food-as-medicine approach to eating.
up on trends about the mind-gut connection in finding nutritional solutions for mental health.
trying to avoid eating processed foods for their health and seek to prepare meals at home
want to know where all of their ingredients come from and may have a home garden or are simply on a budget
Beyond just following recipes, they want to pursue the underlying concepts around the practice of food preparation for a permanent solution for daily breakfast and lunch options. The audience I'm particularly targeting are:
College students who have some access to a kitchen co-operative. They have left home and are in stressful situations socially and academically. They are seeking ways to have dietary options that are healthy and optimal for brain function.
Busy professionals who eat out a lot but would like to budget their meals and increase their savings through making their own breakfasts and lunches. They too are interested in nutrition for optimal health.
Busy professionals who work from home and would like venture out to other cuisines for variety, better nutrition, and health.
Holistic health seekers who have sought medical treatment for diabetes, mental health (anxiety, depression) or other common ailments around nutritional deficiencies.
Homemakers and caregivers who are seeking to improve nutritional offerings or add variation to their breakfast and lunch options for their families.
This course also seeks to support the rise of people working from home. It seeks to prioritize the option of making meals at home to pack and go or enjoy at home while making creative use of healthy staples. This is also for folks on a budget, who want to maximize the number of meals they can make from their grocery expenditures.
Course Type
Combination of informational and step-by-step course
This course is a hands-on learning course in cooking nutritious Japanese cuisine. The informational aspects seek to close the knowledge gap about the Japanese approach to nutrition. The informational content will be from Andoh's book Washoku as well as translated from Japanese from popular recipe books on washoku featuring nutritional experts.
The step-by-step approach will enable the student to replicate cooking at home. The course also encourages variations and hybrid cultural influences applying what's available in ingredients to washoku techniques.
Audience analysis
Beginners seeking more nutritional options, but familiar with basic cooking techniques
Beginners familiar with Japanese cuisine but wanting to know how to make it at home
Beginning language learners wanting to learn Japanese concepts in a practical context while acquiring cooking skills
Works cited, Week 3
Course Modality
Asynchronous online
Considering the audience are busy professionals, the course helps structure their time with asynchronous, sequential building blocks of learning washoku. Learners can go at their own pace, get assessed, and post their results once complete. Synchronous may also be possible in the future once I have a series of offerings with audience interest in having live sessions online.
Asynchronous with video demonstrations allows the learner to pause and rewind a step. Recipes can also be printable with transcripts of the lessons. Photography will be central in illustrating ingredients, kitchen tools and utensils. Alt text will provide background information for visual scanners. Much of the information will be available as text for English as a second language learners and the hearing impaired.
The course seeks to promote community through students posting photos of their results. Students can contribute their creativity and new nutritious combinations based on the washoku framework. This seeks to promote diversity and hybrid influences that enrich the learning experience based on the audience participating at the time. It also shows the opportunities to learn from each other and provide new healthy solutions from various traditions.
Technical requirements & supplies
Enough bandwidth to stream video. This can be done from a smartphone as well as a laptop or desktop. Access to a camera (on the smartphone) will enable the learner to share their results. Students will also need access to a rice cooker, stove, kitchen utensils, and some key Japanese ingredients like miso paste, soy sauce, and dashi. For everything else, substitutions are possible.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
Terminal learning objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
Create and practice consumption rituals of breakast and daily bento following 5 key principles of washoku (traditional Japanese cuisine).​ (Aligns with WLO2)
Execute all of the basic food preparation techniques employed in daily washoku to enhance the flavor and presentation of nutrient-rich plants, starch, and proteins (number of techniques will be pared down). (Aligns with WLO3)
Employ key washoku ingredients for flavor and nutritional balance. (Aligns with WLO1)
Use creativity and resourcefulness (include substitutions) to adapt washoku practices in creating our own balanced daily breakfast and bento. (Aligns with WLO4)
Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to Washoku and Five Principles
Bento Journey opens with an introduction to washoku and its five key principles
Five key principles: 5 colors, 5 flavors, 5 ways, 5 senses, and 5 verses (Zen Buddhism)
History of bento: Convenience food's origins
Ingredients: Sourcing and seasonality – bounty of sea and mountain
Ichi juu san sai: Namasu (raw in vinegar), nimono (boiling or stewing), and yakimono (flame broiled)
Ichi go ichi e (mindfulness principle)​
Module 2: Onigiri and miso soup
Finding nutritional balance with these two core washoku staples
Japanese nutritionist take on onigiri and miso soup
Basic washoku ingredients to get for your pantry
Rice grain types and preparations
Onigiri: forming and filling variations
Miso soup: basic stock and miso and content variations
Module 3: Protein and vegetables for traditional bento
5 different ways: ichi juu san sai in practice
Common proteins + nutritional value
Common vegetables + nutritional value
Module 4: Washoku: Cuisine imports to add to bento
Adaptation: applying 5 principles to non-traditional ingredients
Using 5 different ways to add umami to vegetables
Imports: croquette, tempura to add to bento
Learning Objectives
(Weekly learning outcome, WLO)
Module 1: Introduction to Washoku and Five Principles
By the end of this module, students should be able to:
Explain Japanese nutritional philosophy and how it's applied in food composition, choice of ingredients, food preparation, and consumption rituals. (Aligns to CLO1)
- Evaluate 5 principles of washoku for their own daily culinary and dining practices. (Aligns to CLO1)
Apply the ichi juu san structure in meal planning a breakfast or lunch, employing namasu, nimono, and yakimono. (Aligns to CLO2)
Employ washoku techniques in sourcing color diverse local ingredients and composing a nutritionally and visually balanced meal. (Aligns to CLO4)
Identify and source 5 or more accessible washoku ingredients. (Aligns with CLO3)
Plan 3-5 ways bento to maximize umami factor for a washoku-inspired breakfast or lunch. (Aligns to CLO3)
Works cited, Week 7
Module 1: Introduction to Washoku and Five Principles – Sequenced activity & assessments
Sequential learning activity and corresponding assessment
Self-assessment survey: demographic info (data collection), background on washoku and cooking skills, reason for taking course (collected as multiple choice) – starting point
ACTIVITY: Narrated slide show (presentation) – WLO1
An overview of history and philosophy behind washoku will lay the foundation for cooking activities with a brief mention of health advantages such as weight loss/management and mental health (statistical data). Links will be presented to sources for further inquiry
Discussion topic: Self-reflection prompt on prior experience of and impressions of Japanese cuisine and their own reasons for learning about it.
ACTIVITY: Video or narrated slide show (lecture + presentation) – WLO2
Five principles of washoku will be presented in text and image format as well as a video or animated slide show 4-7 minute blocks
Quiz questions on five principles.
Discussion topic: Self-reflection – From sourcing seasonal local ingredients to mindfulness, relate 2-3 principles to your own dining and culinary practices.
ACTIVITY: Video demo – WLO3
Ichi juu san & food preparation montage (namasu, nimono, and yakimono, etc) will be presented prior to cooking demonstrations, also no longer than 3 mins in length
ACTIVITY: Text and images​
History of bento will cover 1:1:1 protein:vegetable:starch proportions. And contemporary visual presentation trends – WLO1
Ingredients most frequently used: preview of other modules + flavor and nutritional benefits – WLO5
dashi (soup base)
starches: gohan (rice) – different types, (noodles) soba, somen, udon
sauces and seasonings – shoyu, osu (rice vinegar), sake, mirin, miso, etc.
protein: fish, tofu
key vegetables: daikon, carrots, lotus root, etc, ​
Discussion topic: Peer review
Bounty of sea and mountain – Source local, seasonal ingredients (based on nutritional value, optional)
Identify and source 5 or more accessible washoku ingredients to add to pantry.
Game-based quiz: Plan 3-5 ways bento to maximize umami factor for a washoku-inspired breakfast or lunch.
Process report on a bento and how it supports 2-3 washoku principles
Learning Activities &
Assessment Strategies
Activities will be comprised of lectures/presentations and hands-on activities for cooking. Discussion topics further build community and social presence around self-reflection and cooking and dining experiences and philosophies. Flipped classroom may be a possibility for a future synchronous classroom where students collaborate on cooking strategies and dishes.
Assessments will take the form of quizzes, discussion topics, peer review, and a final video demo.
Game-based learning: Quizzes
Quizzes on factual information of above sections, multiple choice and true/false. Students progress to scenario-based questions at the end that test their knowledge in novel contexts.
Hands-on activities: cooking for assessment
The heart of this course would be the actual cooking. Students create their own washoku bento, upload an Instagram-ready photo of their creation, and write their recipe for assessment. In progress photo can serve as proof of authorship. OR Do a video tasting or narrated video presentation of their creation. They can review the results and offer what they would do differently or what made it work well.
Students write a process report and how it supports washoku principles. Scaffolding: Students will begin with basic rice preparation and onigiri (rice ball) and miso soup preparation and work their way through more complex techniques.
Discussion: Peer review example
Peer review is intended to foster student social presence and ultimately group cohesion in building community. Through the reviews that culminate in a final group project, students gain the benefit of learning from other's discoveries and mistakes, and for inspiration.
Students first summarize washoku principles as a navigation point. The learner can first recreate the same recipe from the demo. They can then add their variation on it. For example, students can recreate onigiri from a video demo, choosing a traditional or more contemporary seasoning/flavor profile. They can provide background on the ingredient, its origins, nutritional value, and flavor profile, as well as how it achieves umami. This can then be peer reviewed by classmates creating dishes in the same category. Peers can assess according to a rubric based on inclusion of: nutritional value of 2-3 key ingredients, cooking technique chosen, and seasoning. Students can rotate on different dish categories each week.
Final project with rubric: instructional cooking video employing washoku techniques and/or ingredients. This could potentially be a group project where students pick a dish to assemble as a group into a bento meal. Each person would specialize in a dish, investigating ingredients and health benefits and origins. Student would then conduct a learning video demo for a final peer critique. This would foster social presence for better engagement and accommodate student’s limited time and resources.
Works cited, Week 5
Subject Matter Expert(SME)/Resources
Subject matter expert will be my mother, Takako Ichikawa, a Japanese language instructor, tea ceremony and washoku practitioner. After studying the resources below and consulting my mother, I will also become a subject matter expert, writing the objectives, content, and assessments for the minicourse. I will consult the following books as stand ins for actual SMEs:
Abramson, Ashley. “Understanding the Microbiome.” Eating Well, 6 Oct. 2023, eatingwell.com. Accessed 27 Nov. 2023.
Andoh, Elizabeth. Washoku: Recipes from the Japanese Home Kitchen. Ten Speed Press, 2005.
Omote, Yoko. Onigiri to Misoshiru Dake [Only Onigiri and Miso Soup]. Wani Books Corporation, 1 Feb. 2023.
Otowa, Kazunori. Yasai Ga Oishii Deli no Aidea 191 [The Deli with Delicious Vegetables' 191 Ideas]. Maruyamaken, 25 Apr. 2023.
Shufu-no-tomo ed. Effortless Bento: 300 Japanese Box Lunch Recipes. Vertical, 27 May 2014.
Design Model
ADDIE/Rapid Instructional Design hybrid would be the model I choose for my minicourse. This is due to the fact that I am mostly working alone with a subject matter expert and consulting cooking manuals. I am also a newbie so I want to understand firsthand the "grammar" of instructional design models by starting with ADDIE and modifying it with Rapid, which is more of an approach than a model.
Once I get my hands on Adobe Captivate or Articulate 360, it might make sense to switch to a rapid prototyping model using the linear content that Bento Journey will be. There is a clear beginning, middle, and end to cooking and preparing for cooking. As I do see the project becoming iterative with user testing, there will need to be simultaneous stages and definitely some prototyping to present my work to my SME. But for now, I am working with my own experience as an online learner and online course writer while applying Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction.​
My Bento journey has a few constraints. Cooking is linear in nature and terminology is something that needs to be presented first. It will have to be visually rich to show what the tools and ingredients look like. It will use demo videos, as that is what cooking learners are accustomed to viewing. Students should be able to pause and rewind steps.
Because it's step by step, I intend to include recipes written in order with more explanation of the why in between. So there will be video with close captions, audio, and text options for different learners. The course is hands on so my kitchen would model the learner's kitchen, where they may be cooking and viewing the video.
The timeline for production would be between 8-16 weeks (not sure how integrated its production is with the learning), which is a narrow timeframe to achieve the stages below, so blending Rapid Instructional Design with ADDIE will be a way to learn as I go.
Analyze – Knowledge gap: Assessing the needs of various target groups listed above, through designing a learner feedback mechanism in assessments. Determine scope of course, resources, and learning objective
See information graphic below.
DESIGN – (1. preliminary motivating activity, 2. course presentation, 3. practice (cooking), 4. post-activity assessment, summary)
PROTOTYPE/DEVELOP – Prototype of all components (stage this rather than final for SME approval) then rinse and repeat between design/prototype/review and develop/implement/review
IMPLEMENT/TEST – Once the iterative prototype has been swapped with actual content, development cycle would kick in. In the development cycle, testing can take place in-house for review. Once implemented, learners can evaluate and provide feedback on effectiveness of learning experience. This could then be integrated into future development.
REVIEW/EVALUATE – Review indicates in-house testing and corrections; evaluate indicates learner input. Surveys can be embedded in course for formative feedback (clarity, impact, feasibility) and "smile sheets" can prompt summative feedback at the end on learner satisfaction. Both enable further developmen

Learning Theory:
Constructivism + Andragogy
A hybrid of learning theories in instructional design
Japanese bento minicourse will apply the overlapping strategies between Constructivism and Andragogy. In both, the learner is an active participant with their unique background experiences in the language, culture, and cooking. The approach is one of an informal, extracurricular class to potentially supplement an actual foundational course in formal or non-formal Japanese learning.
Learner is central to course
As a minicourse, we will start off with a target audience and end-user in mind in providing cooking and convenience for busy people. The course would also be considered a low-bar entry point to Japanese, much like Duo Lingo, a hobby-based approach.
Autonomy with an MKO (More knowledgeable other)
The course provides a context for washoku, with of philosophy, history and practice providing a new (old) perspective on approaching culinary and dining practices. Once the framework of tools, ingredients, and techniques are laid out, the format of the class would enable autonomy. This is due to cooking and recipes being a familiar genre. Students can follow the steps whether on video or written from the MKO at their own pace
Constructing knowledge on your own terms
Bento by nature is a mix and match affair. So literally and metaphorically, the student can pick and choose the items to include in the bento among the assortment of instructions available. Where there is no instruction, they can do their own research and present to classmates.
Collaboration and Anchored Instruction
The assignment would involve some level of collaboration by choice. So the students would be able pick the degree of collaboration:
Group critique only: Create own video demo of their variation to MKO's model with feedback.
Collaborative: If two or more students can meet in person and collaborate, they can demo together and present to a group.
Anchored instruction: More formally done in 6 stages – this would be the ideal scenario
Engage students – Set the stage (contest could also motivate) with enticing examples and motivators like convenience​
Familiarize with stage objectives – Ensure all of the students are on board and capable of taking ownership of creating their own solutions.
Expand upon objectives – Students can research their own topics of interest and share with peers. They can organize themselves as groups or pairs around similar topics
Plan objectives – Students can transfer the recipe for demo format to this new topic
Share experiences – Whether it's one, two, or a group, they can share their process, creating a narrative that can engage others (behind the scenes, outtakes) as well as finished video demo or audio/written recipe.
Course will be addressing general public and not assuming all students are adults in the "real world." Though tailored for 18+ year old demographic, they can be middle, high school, or college students. Projects are meant to be fun and inherently engaging. Bentos are pretty straight forward. We hope the students appreciate that the bento is about the process of creation just as much as the end product. In the process, some Japanese vocabulary can be acquired and more experientially understood, as students get to be a part of a learning community.

Open Educational
Resource #1
Elizabeth Andoh, TEDx Talk
Course Outcome:
Create and practice consumption rituals...following 5 key principles of washoku
Module 1 Learning Objective:
Evaluate 5 principles of washoku for their own daily culinary and dining experience
Digital Asset #1
Infographic: Five Principles of Washoku
Course Outcome:
Create and practice consumption rituals...following 5 key principles of washoku
Module 1 Learning Objective:
Evaluate 5 principles of washoku for their own daily culinary and dining experience

Media Document
Digital Asset #2

Digital Asset #3
Module 1 Cover Image

Media Document
My Bento Journey Promotional Flyer
Welcome video: YouTube
Copyright under YouTube terms.
Module 1 Screencast: YouTube – Five Principles of Washoku
Copyright under YouTube terms.
This video fulfills:
Course Learning Outcome 1: Create and practice consumption rituals of breakfast and daily bento following 5 key principles of washoku.
Weekly Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate 5 principles of washoku for your own daily culinary and dining practices.
Module 2
Module 3

Repository of storyboards for My Bento Journey
Module 1: Introduction to Washoku & Bento

Handwritten storyboard on graph paper, cleaned up in Photoshop.

Further reading
Andoh, Elizabeth. Washoku: Recipes from the Japanese Home Kitchen. Ten Speed Press, 2005.
Groger, Molly. Eating Awareness Training. Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Hyman, Mark, and Martha Herbert. The Ultramind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First: The Simple Way to Defeat Depression, Overcome Anxiety, and Sharpen Your Mind. Scribner, 2010.
Mayer, Emeran A. The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health. Harper Wave, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2018.
Disclaimer: Please note, I write completely from a layman's perspective. I received a referral from a functional medicine office for Hyman's and Mayer's books and read Hyman's which helped me get off of anti-anxiety medication and read Groger's book as a teen. Mayer's is intended to apply to this course.