Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
Assessment to align with the following Course Learning Outcomes:
Terminal learning objectives
By the end of this course, students should be familiar with:
5 key principles of washoku (traditional Japanese cuisine) and imports incorporated into domestic cuisine. (Aligns with WLO2)
Food philosophy behind diet, nutrition, cooking, presentation, and dining rituals. (Aligns with WLO3)
Dining etiquette and key phrases to ordering or sharing a meal:
Key nouns, adjectives, and verbs used for dining and eating and identifying foods (TBD)
Learning Objectives
(Weekly learning outcome, WLO)
Assessment to align with the following Module 1 Learning Objectives:
Module 1: Introduction to Washoku and Five Principles – Assessment alignments
By the end of this module, students should be able to:
Explain the cultural initiatives behind contemporary Japanese cuisine over time.
Outline contemporary Japanese cuisine drawn from historical influences: the Chinese-Western-Japanese tripod.
Japanese nutritional philosophy and how it's applied in food composition, choice of ingredients, food preparation, and consumption rituals. (Aligns to CLO1)
- Evaluate 5 principles of washoku for their own daily culinary and dining practices. (Aligns to CLO1)
- Communicate using basic food and dining vocabulary.
Activities &
Module 1: Introduction to Washoku and Five Principles – Sequenced activity & assessments
Sequential learning activity and corresponding assessment
ACTIVITY: (Narrated) slide show (presentation) + scrolling LMS page – WLO1
An overview of Japanese food history and philosophy behind washoku
This would be a slide show with audio that the view can click on. An accompanying scrolling LMS page can either be the script (to be screen reader friendly) with key info graphics of the slide show narration or supplement. This is to be determined.
ACTIVITY: Interactive video (lecture + presentation) – WLO1
Five principles of washoku will be presented in text and image format as well as a video or slide show 4-7 minute blocks
Format would be an LMS page that again can be key infographics that's either the script of the narration or supplemental content.
Quiz questions on Japanese food history trivia + five washoku principles. (10 points, 15 min)
ACTIVITY: Text and images (Interactive game? TBD)
History of Japanese food iconic dishes timeline (where is it from)? – WLO1
When creating my Level 2 survey...
The Module 1 Quiz was a bit of a workflow puzzle. I had to make the content in order for the quiz to make sense. I still only had some bits and pieces of my content in a bilingual Japanese food presentation I had done and Week 7 from IDT300x. I needed enough content to form a quiz in the first place. Please note that the content, especially in the LMS writing is still patchy with just enough content in from both the slideshow in "Japanese food culture: a brief history" and interactive video "5 Principles of Washoku"! I tried to find questions that were useful to the target audience to know and that an educated guess may get wrong. From the results, I can gather how much information the student absorbed. Since I'm going to provide both audio, visual, and interactive components, there will be more ways that reading text in the LMS to get the content. In the future, I can shift the format for the delivery of the content to figure out which is the most engaging and effective and update the content to include more recent developments in the cuisine to keep it relevant to tourists, foodies, and Japanese language students alike.